Advice from a champion

"It's not a sac­ri­fice, it's a choice," says his­to­ry-mak­ing Amer­i­can track sprint­er Lau­ryn Williams. Williams was mak­ing the point in an in­ter­view about the chal­lenges ath­letes have to face. A cred­i­ble voice giv­ing re­al and need­ed ad­vice - an ath­lete who has seen life from the per­spec­tive of a con­tract­ed track and field star and as a free agent bob­sleigh com­peti­tor.

Fakoory, Monteil and Nipsey Deaths Hit Hard.

During the last three weeks certain things have occurred that caused me to reflect on life and living life mindfully.  How do you find inspiration and motivation when the going gets tough and you feel as if nothing you do at a particular point in time, is making any sense and creating a positive difference?

Olympic and Commonwealth Sport Bodies Must Make Risk Management A Priority.

Risk management is an essential element of good governance. The failure to analyse and access risks can place a sport organisation -the size or stature  does not matter - at risk.

Bri­an Lewis is the Pres­i­dent of the T&T Olympic Com­mit­tee (TTOC)

Stagnant NSOs must transform or perish

The book "Sports Gov­er­nance" by Rus­sell Hoye and Gra­ham Cuskel­ly gave in-depth fo­cus on the gov­er­nance of non-prof­it sports or­gan­i­sa­tions and the prac­tices em­ployed by the boards/com­mit­tees to car­ry out their gov­er­nance role.

Fearless advocates for good sports governance

Thought lead­er­ship.

To have peo­ple with whom you can share thoughts an ideas with and re­ceive con­struc­tive crit­i­cism when need­ed that is found­ed on knowl­edge and a proven prac­ti­cal suc­cess track record is in­valu­able.

Local sports far from reaching full potential

On March 25, 1807, par­lia­ment in Lon­don, Eng­land, passed a law for­mal­ly abol­ish­ing the slave trade in the British Em­pire. How­ev­er, slav­ery didn't end then free­dom for ex­ist­ing slaves did not come in the British ter­ri­to­ries un­til 1838.